The Real Deal About Silicone and Silicon: How Are They Different?
Although the terms silicone and silicon sound pretty much the same and spelled similarly, with only a letter “e” to distinguish one from the other, they are actually different substances that provide different functions.
Perhaps you’re here because you’re wondering what makes these two different; if so, keep reading. In this article, we’ll dig deeper into the differences between silicon and silicone—what they’re used for and their key components and functions. Let’s get to it!
What is Silicon?
Silicon is a naturally occurring element that is found on the earth’s surface. It is one of the most abundant elements on our planet, which surprisingly falls second to oxygen. With that said, it constitutes up to 27 per cent of the average rock surface.
What this element does is that it bonds with oxygen to form silicates, such as quartz, jadeite, mica, feldspar, and more. Although you can find this in most rock surfaces, finding pure silicon is pretty rare. But if you do spot them, you’ll see that they often form in grey crystals and have a metallic lustre.
When it comes to its characteristic properties, you should know that silicon is an ideal semiconductor, which is why it is often used in preparation for several computer processing devices. In that regard, it has turned into the core of the whole information technology revolution.
Additionally, silicon is also highly resistant to heat, making it one of the best materials for fireproof products, such as ceramic glass tiles, bricks, and other heat-resistant kitchen equipment.
What is Silicone?
Unlike silicon that is a naturally occurring element, silicone is a man-made product. This polymer is made out of oxygen, carbon, and silicon and is available in various forms, like solid, liquid, and gel.
In its liquid form, it’s best used to lubricate machine parts and also works best as a waterproof sealant or silicone sealer. Since silicone is flexible and transparent, it has moisture-resistant properties, making it a commonly used substance for electrical and heat resistant products. Some everyday kitchenware that uses silicone are tongs, pan holders, coatings, non-stick pans, and more.
Because of its non-stick property, it is considered an amazing polymer that is used to make moulds. This is why artists or contractors use this for casting products, like alloys, resins, rubber, and foam.
Other than these functions, silicone is often used for medical aid as well, most commonly as an antacid. Additionally, it is also used for implants and artificial joints. These properties are also used in preparation for children’s items like nipples for baby bottles, toys, and other body products.
Finally, you’ll often find that silicone sealers are a go-to for contractors because of their adhesive properties and since it’s a solvent for organic materials. Because of this, it is an eco-friendly alternative to traditional, more harmful materials.
The Bottom Line: What is Their Big Difference?
While both elements are useful in different industries, one is a naturally occurring chemical element while the other is man-made. Silicon is often associated with chemistry, geology, chops, semiconductors, cement, glass, and more, while silicone is best for moulds, foam, cookware, firestops, silicone sealers, insulations, coatings, and more.
How Can We Help You?
If you’re looking for silicone sealers in the area, you’ve come to the right place.
Quality Seal Australia offers premium silicone and caulking services, using only high-quality building materials. With our team of experts, we can help find the best sealant specific to your needs, providing you with the results you desire.
Let’s start a project together, reach out to us today!